Change a user's group associations (Admin only)

Remove a user from a Group

Association to one or more groups allows users with only "view child name" permission to log in and see the data for their associated groups. For a user with "view org" permission, group associations ensure the user can receive not only aggregate notifications for the organization, but also notifications specific to those groups.

Sometimes things change, and a user should no longer be associated with a particular group, even though the user is still active. The account administrator manages these changes.

1. Open the Functional Group record.

There are two ways to do this.

2. Click on the Users tab.

3. Click on the trash can icon for the user to be removed.

Doing this does not delete the user from the system - it just removes the association to the group.

Note that you cannot remove any user who is currently marked as the primary (starred) group user. Choose a different user to be primary, and then delete the original primary user.