Organization detail dashboard for LENA Home

The LENA Home organization detail dashboard displays summary information and provides access to reports for current and completed groups.

Access and navigation

This dashboard is available to users who have View Org permissions.

To access the detail dashboard for an organization, do one of the following:

  • From the organization's welcome dashboard, click on More Details at the bottom, or on any medallion
  • From a parent organization's detail dashboard, click on the sub-organization whose details you want to see

To return to the detail dashboard at any time, select the desired organization in the context drop-down, click on the LENA Online logo to open its welcome dashboard, and click More Details.


The information displayed depends on the type of organization that is in the context selector - that is, whether it contains nested partners/regions/agencies, or just groups, or both. The example shown is for an organization that contains only groups, but the information and functionality are the same for nested organizations.

1. Organization-level stats

This section repeats the information from this organization's welcome dashboard regarding recent activity.