Troubleshooting: Caregiver is not receiving LENA texts
Check caregiver information in LENA Online.
View and update the caregiver's information as needed following the instructions below.
Is the phone number correct?
Check for typos, and make sure that the number corresponds to a phone that can receive texts.
Check that texting is enabled.
If Texting Enabled is set to No, the caregiver has opted out of texting. This can happen if the caregiver is added to the system before he or she knows to expect LENA texts, or if the "Preferred Language" is accidentally entered incorrectly.
The caregiver must re-enable text messaging on their phone to start receiving texts again.
If Texting Enabled is set to No, deleting and then re-entering the number is not a solution. The screen will temporarily show Yes, but on the next texting attempt, the messaging service will tell LENA Online that texting is not allowed for this number, which changes the value back to No.
Check for blocked number.
Ask the caregiver to check the blocked numbers on his/her phone. If the caregiver accidentally blocked the number below, then the texts will never be displayed. The caregiver will need to unblock that number.
Request a text.
Occasionally a cellular carrier will not allow any LENA texts through until the caregiver actively requests a text. After that request, LENA texts go through.
Ask the caregiver to text REPORT to 855-960-0731. They should receive a text from LENA Online with the link to their current LENA report.
If that doesn't work (or if there are no reports yet, or if your program does not have report texting enabled) have them try texting HELP to the same number. The texting service should respond with an automatic message.
After the reply is received, you can further test by sending a custom text from your program menu (LENA Start, Home, and SP only).
Contact LENA Support.
If the above steps have not resolved the issue, please contact technical support.
Tech support line: +1 303.441.9072
Please let us know:
- Child's ID number
- Caregiver phone number
- Whether the caregiver has received some text messages, or no text messages
- If some messages have been received, please let us know which ones are missing, and also if the problem seemed to start at a specific date.