Reassign a recording to the correct child

If you find that a recording has been accidentally processed for the wrong child, LENA Support can help you move the recording to the correct child.

Please email [email protected] with the following information for each recording that needs to be moved:

  • Recording Date
  • ITS File (this is the filename of the results file)
  • Recording ID
  • Wrong child's LENA ID (child to whom the recording is currently assigned)
  • Wrong child's Group name
  • Right child's LENA ID (child we should reassign the results to)
  • Right child's Group name

Recording ID, ITS file, and current child's LENA ID are on the recordings screen for the wrong child.

The correct child ID is on the participants screen.

One quick way to get and send this information:

  • Go to the recordings screen for the wrong child.
  • Use the column selector to pick only Recording Date, ITS File, Recording ID, and LENA ID.
  • Type the Recording ID for the file that needs to move into the search box. This will display only the "bad" recording in the table.
  • Export the screen as an MS-EXCEL using the export button.
  • Open the export, add columns and info for Wrong Child Group, Right Child ID, Right Child Group.
  • Attach the spreadsheet to your email.

A note about reassigned results and data accuracy:  

When we reassign the processing results to the correct child, age-related scores are updated. However, the processing results file, obtained through application of the original child's age-appropriate algorithms, is not changed. We cannot reprocess the audio itself using the age-based algorithms for the correct child.

In theory, when there is a large age difference, the algorithms used to process the audio may have handled some child vocalizations differently, potentially affecting Conversational Turns and Child Vocalizations (where applicable). The data can still be used for caregiver feedback.

SP Only:  Reimporting results does not re-run the AVA and Vocal Productivity algorithms. The reported results should be excluded from analysis or interpreted with caution if the birth dates are significantly different.