All about stars on reports

A star on a LENA report shows a family met a goal for words, turns, or shared reading minutes.

Stars on LENA reports

LENA Online™ - Google Chrome

A family can earn up to 3 stars per report. Click each item below to see criteria.

How to earn a star for words

A family can earn one star per LENA Day for words by meeting either of these criteria:

  • words are at or above the 75th percentile, OR
  • word count is below the 75th percentile but is at least 10% higher than the average of their last 3 LENA Days*

If the family has fewer than 3 previous LENA Days, then LENA uses the average of all previous days

How to earn a star for turns

A family can earn one star per LENA Day for turns by meeting either of these criteria:

  • turns are at or above the 75th percentile, OR
  • turns count is below the 75th percentile but is at least 10% higher than the average of the last 3 LENA Days*

If the family has fewer than 3 previous LENA Days, then LENA uses the average of all previous days

How to earn a star for reading minutes

A family can earn one star per session by reporting average daily reading minutes at or above the recommended range for the age of their child.

The provider manually inputs the minutes according to what the family reports.

Reading minutes reported on a Snapshot do not contribute to stars.

How can I tell when and how stars were earned by a Participant?

The best place to see when and how stars were earned is on the individual reports.

Stars for words and turns appear on the daily bars for the LENA Days when they were earned.  

The shared reading area of the report shows the cumulative reading stars total. To see specific reading minutes dates, refer to the Reading Minutes section of LENA Online for that child.