Custom Report Glossary for LENA Home

See below for definitions of the columns on the Custom Report screen.

Program Participation Columns
# Enrolled
Org/Group level: The number of children currently enrolled in the program.
Child level: Yes = Enrolled, No = Not enrolled.
# Active
The number of enrolled children with at least one valid recording
# Pending
The number of children who are enrolled in the program who have not completed at least one valid recording
# Completed
The number of children whose enrollment status is set to Completed (typically because they finished the program)
# Dropped
The number of children whose enrollment status is set to Dropped (typically because they discontinued participation in the program prior to completion)
# Dropped after 1st Rec
The number of children who discontinued participation in the program after submitting at least one recording - i.e., not in between enrolling and first recording
# Drop Risk Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.
# On Track Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.
Days Off Schedule Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.
Schedule Info Columns
Column Definition
Last Snap Child level: Date of most recent LENA Snapshot
Group/org level: Count of all Snapshots administered
Last Valid Rec Child level: Date of the most recent valid LENA Day
Group/org level: Count of all LENA Days
Next Rec Due Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.
Next Snap Due Four weeks from Last Snap, a typical interval for Snapshot administration.
Child level: Date is a link to the Snapshot entry screen for this specific child (for paper Snapshot entry).
Group/org level: Count of Snapshots due today or in the past.
Recording Commit Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.
Recorder Pick-Up Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.
Enrollment Date The date the child was enrolled in the program (mm/dd/yyyy)
Target Behaviors Columns
Reading Minutes Number of minutes parents estimate reading with their child each day. Displays the most recent value for each child. Averaged at the group/org level.
Reading Trend Recent change in reading minutes.
Total Stars
Accumulation of stars earned for Adult Words, Conversational Turns, and Reading Minutes.
Recording Info Columns
# Error Recs
Count of LENA Days submitted that were too short to use
# Valid Recs
Count of recordings submitted that were long enough to calculate percentiles
Child Language Columns
AVA Gain
Child level: Change in AVA percentile for children with 6 or more valid recordings, comparing the most recent recording to the 1st.
Group/org level: Average of child values
Child level: Most recent AVA PCTL for child with up to 5 valid recordings, or the best fit value if the child has completed 6 or more valid recordings.
Group/org level: Average of child values
Snap Gain
Child level: Change in Snapshot percentile using all available Snapshot data for children who are 36 months of age or younger. If a child has fewer than three Snapshots, then there is no gain. Once the child completes three or more Snapshots, the gain uses the most recent percentile minus the first percentile.
Group/org level: Average of child values
Best Fit Snap PCTL Child level: Most recent Snapshot PCTL, or the best fit value if a parent has completed three or more Snapshots. Value is “n/a” if the child is greater than 36 months of age.
Group/org level: Average of child values
Participant Info Columns
Age Age in months for an individual child, or the average age in months for a group or organization
LENA ID LENA Online database ID for the participant
External Reference ID Optional value entered on the participant record (e.g., the agency's own internal reference ID number for the child)
Enrollment Status
Enrolled, Completed, or Dropped. Displayed for individual children only.
Grade Level
Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.
Skills Ladder Count
Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.
CDI Count Obsolete, not used. Recommend deselect from columns displayed.