Stream LENA Home session videos

Streaming uses the same document and links you would access in order to send the video playlists to parents by text before a virtual session. It works well for previewing the content from your office, for playing the videos in a virtual session, or if there is fast internet at your in-person session location.

The other options are to play videos offline from a downloaded PowerPoint or to send video links for the family to stream on their own device before the session.

1. Go to LENA Home Resources.

2. Open the tab for LENA Home Curriculum.

3. Open the Sharing LENA Home Videos Virtually document (English or Spanish).

5. Scroll down to the section for your session, and click on the video you want to play. Go full screen!

LENA Online™ - Google Chrome

If planning to stream during a session, test your playback method ahead of time!

Test on the device you'll have during the session and on the internet connection you'll have in the session. Remember that internet speeds can vary by location.

If you're meeting virtually, enlist a friend to help you test playback on your virtual platform (Zoom, Google Meets, Facebook Meetings, etc.). Some virtual platforms have a special setting you'll need to select to share your computer's audio.